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1.Wells Fargo's fake-account scandal富国银行假账丑闻

In September 2016, federal bank regulators imposed a fine of $185 million onWells Fargo(NYSE: WFC) for allegedly creating millions of accounts on behalf of customers. As a result, millions of Wells Fargo customers had credit card, checking, and other accounts without even knowing about them. The episode led to the firing of more than 5,000 bank employees, and then-CEO John Stumpf ended up giving up substantial portions of his pay and leaving the company in October.

Federal regulators have said that Wells Fargo isn't the only bank whose sales practices have been suspect. Now, most banks have new procedures in place that require direct customer contact when an account is opened in their name to confirm that the customer knows about the account.

2016年9月,联邦银行监管机构对富国银行(NYSE:WFC)由于富国银行涉嫌为客户创建数百万个账户,被罚款1.85亿美元。结果,数百万富国银行客户在不知情的情况下拥有信用卡、支票等账户。因此,数百万富国银行客户在不知情的情况下拥有信用卡、支票和其他账户。随后,首席执行官约翰解雇了5000多名银行员工斯顿夫(John Stumpf)最后放弃了大部分工资,10月份离开了公司。


2. Money laundering 洗钱

In February 2018,U.S. Bancorp(NYSE: USB) settled charges from the U.S. Department of Justice that alleged that the bank's efforts to fight money laundering were insufficient. U.S. Bancorp ended up paying $613 million as a result of the settlement, including $453 million in forfeited funds as well as fines to the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

The Department of Justice alleged that the bank's anti-money-laundering program missed a substantial number of suspicious transactions between 2009 and 2014. U.S. Bancorp CEO Andy Cecere said that the bank regretted the lapse, and the bank has already taken steps to strengthen its resolve against would-be 电脑 money launderers.


司法部表示,该行的反洗钱计划在2009年至2014年错过了大量可疑交易。美国银行首席执行官安迪塞西尔(Andy Cecere)该行表示遗憾,并采取措施加强对潜在洗钱者的打击。

3. Australian bank fee scandal

The U.S. isn't the only country to face banking scandals recently. In Australia, five of the nation's biggest financial institutions are embroiled in a scandal involving improperly collecting fees for services that they never provided. Some of the most egregious allegations included the institutions charging deceased clients for purported financial advice as well as lying to banking and securities regulators about their customer practices. The banks could have to return as much as AU$1 billion along with facing criminal charges for their behavior.



4. Gold and silver price fixing

Major banks around the world participate in trading of commodities like gold and silver, and in 2015, suspicions of price fixing led to investigations from authorities in the European Union and Switzerland.Deutsche Bank(NYSE: DB) ended up settling claims among gold and silver investors for a total of just under $100 million in 2016. Claims againstBank of America(NYSE: BAC) andUBS Group(NYSE: UBS) were dismissed in U.S. federal court earlier this year, but several other well-known international banks remain involved in the litigation.


2015年,世界各大银行都参与了黄金、白银等大宗商品的交易,对操纵价格的怀疑导致了欧盟和瑞士当局的调查。电脑德意志银行(NYSE:DB)金银投资者最终在2016年解决了不到1亿美元的索赔。德意志银行(NYSE:DB)最后,2016年,金银投资者索赔总额不美元。今年早些时候,美国联邦法院驳回了对美国银行的索赔(Bank of America,NYSE:BAC)和瑞银集团(UBS Group,NYSE:UBS)但其他几家知名国际银行仍参与诉讼。

5. Wells Fargo's car insurance scandal

Wells Fargo has found itself at the center of numerous troubling incidents over the past few years. Following internal reviews conducted as a result of the fake-account scandal, the bank found in 2017 that hundreds of thousands of auto-loan customers were forced to pay for comprehensive and collision insurance coverage for their vehicles -- even if they already had their own coverage. That extra cost led to many people defaulting on their car loans and having their vehicles repossessed -- as well as further damaging Wells Fargo's already tarnished reputation.



Protect yourself

Scandals like these have shattered the trust that banking institutions used to have with their customers. Now more than ever, it's clear that you have to be on your guard to make sure that your bank is treating you the way you deserve. Otherwise, you could end up being the victim of the next big bank scandal.



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